Philately News

International Year of Astronomy 2009

Posted by ShrikantModh | 6:53 AM | , | 0 comments »

Name: International Year of Astronomy 2009
Date of Issue: 7 May 2009
Country: Iceland
Denominations:105, 140 ISK

The United Nations 62nd General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year Astronomy, celebrating the first astronomical use of the telescope by Galileo Gelilei – a momentous event which initiated 400 years of astronomical discoveries. In that same year of 1609 Johannes Kepler introduced his frist two laws of planetary motion. The work of Galileo and Keplers triggered a scientific revolution which profoundly changed humanity’s conception of the universe. The International Year of Astronomy is The IYA is primarily an activity for the citizens of planet Earth. It aims to convey the excitement of personal discovery, the pleasure of sharing fundamental knowledge about the Universe and our place in it. Although Icelanders have always been interested in the stars, astronomy and astrophysics did not become an independent subject at The University of Iceland until in 1976.


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