Philately News

International Year of Astronomy 2009

Posted by ShrikantModh | 7:12 AM | , | 0 comments »

Name: International Year of Astronomy 2009
Date of Issue: 9 May 2009
Country: Kosovo
Denominations:€2, €1

The astronomy, which according to etymology means star arranging, is a science that observes and explains phenomena that occur outside the Earth and its atmosphere.
It studies the origin, development, physical and chemical features of all celestial bodies that could be observed in the sky (outside Earth), together with all processes involved in. Exactly 400 years ago, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) has for the first time through his telescope observed the Moon (30/11/1609), discovering another world of mountains, fields and craters on its surface. In memory of this event and to stress the importance of astronomy as a basic science, UNESCO and International Astronomical Union have at the meeting, attended by 192 countries, decided that the year 2009 be marked as an international year of astronomy.


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